Time stood still then returned to a semblance of normality.

Almost 12 months since I added anything to this site and a lot has happened in these days. Time however stood still in that I never found time to put word on screen nor did   I count the cost that being so lazy would mean.

In 2018, I managed to celebrate a whole range of ‘anniversaries.’ There is no list of priorities or of ‘valuation’ of these events in their listing:-

1948-2018 June 3rd: 70th birthday

1978-2018 September: I started to live and work in London

1998-2018 December: 20 years since ‘ungraciously’ encouraged to leave St Thomas More

1993-2018 May 31: 25 Years married

All in all a great catalogue of events only topped by watching my first Crystal Palace match, at Selhurst Park, with Malcolm Hopper. 7th October 1978:- Palace 3-0 Brighton. Malcolm’s brother was there, in disguise, as he lived in Brighton and was a fan.



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